LogicSprint 1β successCompiled Learning ObjectivesDeductionDefine deductionUse deduction to solve a matrix puzzleInductionDefine inductionUse induction to form general theories about the best strategies in Sushi GoAbductionDefine abductionUse evidence to reason to the best explanationThe Problem DomainDefine the problem domainLearn to constrain problems before solving themFalsificationDefine Popper’s falsification principleUse elimination to reduce possibilitiesBisectionDefine bisection searchApply binary search to guess a numberBoolean LogicDefine binary logic and its role in computingExpress logical statements as truth tables1. Prepare your lesson on logicPut together a presentation on a topic you explored in prep2. Solve the 1000 Wine Bottle ProblemSolve the 1000 wine bottle problem using binaryWorkshop: Bits and RatsTransform physical locations to binary patterns