πŸ’» Github

Craft an exciting profile that demonstrates your capabilities

Why worry about your GitHub profile?

Your Github profile allows you to demonstrate your technical skills and passion for tech through your projects and technical work. Making your profile an interesting landing page will help grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

Essential Criteria

There are a few sections that you should pay attention to on your Github Profile:

  • Your Profile - contains basic information about you and your interests
  • Pinned projects - displays your preferred projects to any visitors
  • ReadME - A space where you can craft a landing page for visitors

Your Profile

Contains basic information about you and your interests, it should contain:

  • Your name
  • A professional profile picture
  • Contact details (but remember this is a public page)
  • Links to the rest of your profile
  • Your profession (i.e. ‘Front-End Developer’)
  • A list of your key skills (3 to 5, no more)
  • An introduction to who you are


A space where you can craft a landing page for visitors. Create a Github personal Readme, it should contain:

  • An introduction which highlights
    • The skills you have
    • The projects you’ve been working on
    • What you’re looking for
    • How to contact you
  • The programming languages and tools you’re familiar with
  • Your stand-out projects
    • Use this as a space to show off the projects you’ve built!
  • Avoid using awards and auto-generated stats

Pinned Projects

Your pinned projects are the projects that a potential employer will look at make sure they are:

  • Your best work
  • Recent
  • Relevant
  • Working - You should link the repo and the demo
  • Have a ReadMe describing what they are and how they were built

Check this graduate’s GitHub profile and compare it to your own - https://github.com/Zobeir-Rigi

  1. πŸ“Œ Pinned projects

  2. Activity

  3. Highlight your skills